The Journal of Singularities is an online, freely accessible, refereed journal, which publishes only the highest-quality research articles in all areas of singularity theory, including, but not limited to, the areas of real and complex analytic spaces and maps, subanalytic spaces, stratifications, resolutions of singularities, hyperplane arrangements, mixed Hodge theory, knot theory and Milnor fibrations, metric properties, singularities in characteristic p, and applications of singularity theory. In addition, papers in related areas of differential geometry, algebraic geometry, commutative algebra, and other fields are welcomed.
In general, purely expository papers will not be considered. However, occasionally the Journal of Singularities may request special expository articles for publication.
Authors should prepare papers using LaTeX. Authors should submit papers as pdf's, via e-mail to any one of the Associate Editors. Once a paper is accepted and is in its final form, all necessary LaTeX files, and required graphics files (as pdf's, not eps files) should be e-mailed directly to the Editor-in-Chief. Submitted and accepted papers may contain color graphics. It is preferred that articles be written in English; however, French and German articles, with English abstracts, are also acceptable.