The punctual Hilbert schemes for the curve singularities of type A_{2d}

Yoshiki Sōma and Masahiro Watari

Journal of Singularities
volume 11 (2015), 152-163

Received: 28 March 2015. Received in revised form: 10 June 2015.

DOI: 10.5427/jsing.2015.11f

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Pfister and Steenbrink studied punctual Hilbert schemes for irreducible curve singularities. In particular, they analyzed the structure of certain punctual Hilbert schemes for monomial curve singularities. In this paper, we generalize their results about the curve singularities of type A_{2d} by clarifying the relationships among the punctual Hilbert schemes for the singularities.


punctual Hilbert schemes, curve singularities of type A_{2d}

Mathematical Subject Classification:

14C05, 14H20

Author(s) information:

Yoshiki Sōma Masahiro Watari
Chōfu Minami Metropolitan High School Department of Integrated Arts and Science
6-2-1 Tamagawa Okinawa National College of Technology
Chōfushi Tokyo 182-0025 Japan 905 Aza Henoko
Nago Okinawa 905-2192 Japan