On regularity conditions at infinity
L. R. G. Dias
Journal of Singularities
volume 10 (2014), 54-66
Received 8 January 2013. Received in revised form 31 July 2013.
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Let f: X -> K^p be a restriction of a polynomial mapping on X, where X is a smooth affine variety contained in K^n. We prove the equivalence of regularity conditions at infinity, which are useful to control the bifurcation set of f.
polynomial mapping, bifurcation values, Rabier condition, $t$-regularity, non-properness set, fibration, regularity at infinity
Mathematical Subject Classification:
14D06, 51N10, 32S20
Author(s) information:
L. R. G. Dias
Faculdade de Matemática
Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
Av. João Naves de Ávila, 2121
1F153 - CEP: 38.408-100, Uberlândia, Brazil
email: lrgdias@famat.ufu.br