Volume 27: January 2024 - December 2024


Higher nearby cycles and central sheaves on affine flag varieties 1
Pramod N. Achar and Simon Riche

Unipotent nearby cycles and nearby cycles over general bases 31
Andrew Salmon

Complements of caustics of real function singularities 47
V. A. Vassiliev

On the Nash points of subanalytic sets 68
André Belotto da Silva, Octave Curmi, and Guillaume Rond

KSB smoothings of surface pairs 89
János Kollár

On Euler-homogeneity for free divisors 112
Abraham del Valle Rodríguez

The Gauss Map on Theta Divisors with Transversal A_1 Singularities 128
Constantin Podelski

Future articles will be published as they are accepted.